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Dorchester CGLR Receives City Award

Cambridge Mayor Steve Rideout presented Dr.Thompson, Senior Program Officer of the Wyatt Foundation, with a citation of appreciation for all the efforts of the CGLR. The Dorchester County Campaign for Grade Level Reading focuses on improving 3rd grade reading levels. Dr. Thompson also gave the council an update of what the organization has accomplished this last year. CGLR funded a pre-K pilot program at Choptank Elementary school which has been very successful and tis poised for expansion. CGLR also coordinated with private day-care facilities to train and help expand reading programs. A “Bedtime in a Box” program was initiated. The program includes a box with books, PJs and an alarm clock so that parents can read to their children at nighttime. CGLR is also hiring an Early Childhood Development specialist to work with the schools and day cares.

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